Body balance is an essential wellness indicator. Ease of movement and fall prevention are the key benefits.
Patients often ask, “Is physical therapy for balance and fall prevention important for me?” The answer is yes. Annually, falls occur in a total of one million Americans of all ages. Poor balance is a significant contributor to falls. Improving balance is a robust preventative measure.
How to Improve Balance and Prevent Falls
Vail-Summit Physical Therapy has highly trained providers who specialize in physical therapy for balance. Learn more about balance and fall prevention.
Balance and fall prevention are linked to three systems of the body working in concert:
Visual acuity
Ear vestibular system
The proprioceptive nerve system of muscles, joints, and tendons
The eyes provide information about the body within the environment. The ear vestibular system, or inner ear, informs the brain of head positioning. The proprioceptive nerve system of muscles, joints, and tendons connects the discrete parts of the body in relation to the whole and its surrounding space. A limitation in one of the systems results in poor balance. Physical therapy for balance begins with an evaluation. Therapists will look for the following symptoms:
Triangulation - reaching out to connect with a stabilizing object
Tentativeness - with stairs, uneven surfaces, low light, etc.
Challenged in open spaces
Timidity with general mobility
Increase in falls
Our physical therapy team has the expertise to help clients with poor balance symptoms. Physical therapy for balance will result in fall prevention.
Benefits for Improving Balance
Physical therapy for balance focuses on functional mobility. A comprehensive balance treatment plan is customized for Vail-Summit Physical Therapy patients. A sample of practical exercises includes:
One foot stance - engages the core and proprioception
Toe-to-heel walk - the vestibular system
Dynamic head position walking - all three systems
Eye-on-the-target walking - visual system
Each exercise progresses to more challenging components as balance improves. Our physical therapy specialists are available to begin the process of improving balance for patients.
Physical Therapy and Fall Prevention
A benefit of a comprehensive physical therapy plan for balance is fall prevention. Included with the exercises are a series of lifestyle hacks. Consider these fall prevention tips:
Prepare - Safety check the home. Eliminate tripping hazards. Select well-fitting footwear and clothing. Check and correct vision, hearing, and blood pressure.
Make good choices - Work closely with your physician and physical therapist. Exercise regularly. Maintain balance and strength training. Limit alcohol use. Avoid icy, slippery conditions. Keep hands free when active and maintain adequate sleep.
Protect - Learn side effects from medications. Use assistive devices correctly. Rise slowly from a seated position. Avoid risky conditions.
Improving balance will help with fall prevention.
Physical Therapist Who Specialize in Balance
Vail-Summit Physical Therapy works with clients on physical therapy balance treatment plans for wellness, prevention, and rehabilitation. Let us work with you. Contact Vail-Summit Physical Therapy in to schedule your consultation.